Diplomatic Protection Service
The Diplomatic Protection Service is responsible for the protection of Diplomats, VIPs, Celebrities and Persons of Special Interests A range of protection services are also provided for domestic and overseas VIPs.
Types of protection
IRS Security Services include but not limited to :
  • Advance venue and route familiarisation and planning

  • Venue and accommodation searches

  • Venue and accommodation security

  • Walking escorts

  • Motorcades

  • Safe haven and other contingency planning

  • Liaison with Police and protection agencies

  • Coordination with other Police protection officers and general duties staff

  • Protection advice to partner agencies and general duties.

  • Liaison with external agencies.

On a normal basis, if you need this service we would have a team ready to pick you up once you land in Toronto and the team will stay with you till you depart from Toronto. We have a team which is highly skilled, trained and experienced in this specific function. We offer a variety of solutions for your specific needs.